Today I was interviewed by a phenomenal lady, the amazing transformational coach Vladimira Kuna and we had an amazing conversation about books and branding.
It was interesting that before we started to record it, she was talking about her new logo, which is being developed, and at some point, she referred to it as being “her brand”, and I told her that her logo is NOT her brand, it’s only part of the way she expresses her brand.
And it was amazing because this is also one of the major doubts about branding and personal brand.
The interview was amazing because we could clarify this and many other questions, and if you are wondering about what’s the difference between a logo and a brand, here it goes:
A Brand is how a company, organization, or individual is perceived by those who experience it. More than simply a name, term, design, or symbol, a brand is the recognizable feeling a product or business or the person evokes.
Branding is the set of actions aligned with the positioning, purpose, and values of the brand, so to speak, it’s the strategic management of the brand. The purpose of branding is to awaken sensations and create conscious and unconscious connections, which will be crucial for the consumer to choose your brand when deciding to purchase a product or service.
Personal Brand is the mark you leave in people’s minds and hearts through the signals you transmit and the interactions you have with them, online and/or offline. It is not what you say it is, it is what people feel it is.
Personal Branding is the conscious, strategic management of all those signals and interactions, just as you manage in business to generate the desired results, you manage your Personal Brand to achieve the desired results.
But now you know what Personal Branding is, you might be asking yourself: Ok, but what is the purpose of managing your Personal Brand?
✅ Well, the list of benefits is long but for this post, the most important benefit is to build TRUST.
People do business with those they know, like, and trust. ~Les Brown
You don’t buy from people you don’t trust. You don’t buy a product you don’t trust or service from a company you don’t trust.
It’s very different to “like someone” from “trust someone”. You know people you like and perhaps you even love, but with whom you wouldn’t do business.
Building trust is the ultimate goal of any corporate or Personal Brand!
Other benefits of a well done Personal Brand management are:
✅ Positioning – When you occupy that special place in people’s minds and hearts, they will trust that everything you sign your name on, has value because YOU ARE THE PROMISE OF VALUE.
✅ Differentiation – You have something that’s is unique and that sets you apart from others. Learning what it is and how to use it to leverage your interactions will set you apart from a bucket of undifferentiated nails.
✅ Significance – It takes you from the competitive arena and places you at a higher level, above your competitors. Significance is what helps you attract and retain loyal advocates of your brand.
✅ You can charge for your products and services what they are really worth – Forget about allowing people to put a price tag on your products and services. If they don’t qualify for being your clients, it’s ok because you can only serve well to those who are qualified leads. Those who need your solution, and know it’s worthy and will not question it.
I hope this article is helpful for you. Now tell me: Are you managing your Personal Brand yet?
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Danielle Martins
💡 Personal Branding & Business Branding Strategist | 🎯 Marketing Specialist | 🌍 Clients across 27 countries |📚 Bestselling Author | 🎤 International Speaker