Your career isn’t your identity


Personal Branding and Business Branding Strategist | Marketing Specialist
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🇺🇸🇬🇧 One of the biggest mistakes people make is to think their brand is their companies, products/services.

🎯 Your brand is the position you occupy in people’s minds, it’s your reputation. Depending on the significance you represent to people, YOU add value to whatever you put your finger on.

💡 If Elon Musk would propose you a partnership in a new project, I am sure you’d probably accept it without hesitation. You may not know how many companies he owns or how many times he has failed, but you TRUST his abilities.

✨ You trust him because he is well-positioned in your mind as a highly competent professional. His reputation speaks louder than his businesses/products/services. He is a Powerful Personal Brand, and powerful Personal Brands add value to whatever they get involved in.

✅ As an author or entrepreneur, the strategic management of your Personal Brand is essential to increase your value and conquer the right position in people’s minds. When you occupy the right position, they trust that everything you sign your name on it is good because you are the promise of value!

🥇 Your Personal Brand is your greatest asset and venture.

👇 Share with me: Do you know what space your Personal Brand occupies in people’s minds?

If you are new here, I’m Danielle Martins and I help authorpreneurs build remarkable brands and experience sustainable success. I am a Personal Branding Strategist and Marketing Expert with over 23 years of experience in the corporate world.

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Danielle Martins

💡 Personal Branding & Business Branding Strategist | 🎯 Marketing Specialist | 🌍 Clients across 27 countries |📚 Bestselling Author | 🎤 International Speaker



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